Sunday, May 16, 2010


What causes snoring? Snoring is when the airflow goes through the nose causing the vibrations to come out the mouth. Snoring is more common in males than females. About 45 percent of males snore and 30 percent of females. Most people usually will snore after a viral illness, after drinking alcohol, or when taking some kind of medication. When I think of snoring really loud, I usually imagine a big guy with a thick neck , but I was wrong a woman with a thin neck can snore as loud as the big guy can. As people grow up, and they weight more the snoring gets louder. Somethings Snoring can be a medical problem, it depends of on how badly the person snores. Snoring can be cured it all depends on the partner or room mate. The cure is with surgery. It might not take the whole snoring away but it can minimize it a lot.

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